Thursday, January 13, 2011


So I wrote something on the plane that I will post later, but for now I'll go over what I've been up to for the past couple days!!!

The plane rides were HORRIBLY LONG.  I was so anxious that I couldn't sleep at, I was up for about 36 hours straight.  When we got to Granada, I was soooooo tired and crabby and all I wanted to do was to go home (to america).  We went out to dinner after LUGGING our luggage (so heavy, my back will be in pain for weeks, i'm sure) and it was delicious.  The Spanish eat very light dinners, so we got tinto verano (wine and lemonade) and tapas plus pan (BREAD)!  It was just what we needed.  I went to bed immediately when we got back to the hostel and slept straight through the night.

I felt like a million bucks this morning.  We got desayuno (breakfast) which consisted of cafe con leche (expresso with milk) and a pastry.  Then, we had our cultural & academic orientations.  We learned about culture shock, and I wondered if I would go through all of the symptoms.  I guess I'll cross that bridge when, or if, I get to it.  However, it did slightly concern me.  I've heard that they're just warning about it, though it may never happen.

Since we wanted to get on Granada time, we ate almuerzo (lunch) at the normal spanish time--3:00.  It was a big lunch of a kind of gaspacho, roast beef, fruit, y rioja (local red wine).  It was amazingly delicious.  I love that in Spain you don't have to tip the waiters.  Apparently, they are paid full wage, benefits, insurance, etc, so it is seen as an actual career here!  I love it.  Also, I love how long and enjoyable the meals are.  Spaniards are much more relaxed and not at all in a hurry--and I am a fan!

We walked around for a while and then went on a "survival tour" just to see how to a get around a little bit.  I couldn't believe how BEAUTIFUL everything is.  Miguel Angel (our resident director) was telling us that it is ILLEGAL to tear down the facades of buildings in Granada.  The owner of the buildings are obligated to preserve them, and the local government even helps them out financially!  I thought that that was really amazing, and it really shows in the beauty of the architecture.  Also, the scenery in Granada is beautiful.  There are mountains and hills in the background, and it is truly an amazing sight.

I'll post pictures later! I really love Spain so far, and am SOOO thankful that I jumped on this wonderful opportunity.  I'll also go into more detail when I get better internet!
Hasta luego mi amores!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have a blog! My sister had one when she studied in Bulgaria, and it was so fun to follow. Have soooo much fun!!!! Spain is probably one of my favorite countries, but if you get a chance in the spring go to Monaco. It is so beautiful :-)
