Wednesday, March 2, 2011


to catch up on my blogging.........tonight....or tomorrow........... or this weekend.  i promise :)

Look forward to:

woah.  i'm lucky i took notes!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lazy saturday

Sitting with Conchi, watching some poorly dubbed movie, going for a walk later :)

Friday, January 28, 2011


Now that I’m out of my old host family’s house, now is a good time to look back and laugh at all of the things that happened while I was there.  This isn’t meant to make anyone feel bad or anything, because I honestly look back now and LAUGH.  Also, I am now living with the sweetest and most caring woman in the world, and I already feel so much more at home.

Anyway, so Begoña and Paco were nice at first.  Everything was nice.  They had a big apartment, and I had a big room with my own bathroom, and internet too!  They gave me the key and told me that I was like their daughter while I’m in spain.  They told me that their family eats healthy and that they don’t eat sweets (I could deal with this).  Things seemed to be okay.  ON my first night, I feel asleep on their couch while watching a movie with them, and I was trying to get into the swing of things by doing what they were doing and following their rules and everything.   Things were good. 

But that didn’t last long.  A couple of days after I had been living with them, everything went downhill.  At the time, I was having a very difficult time distinguishing between a bad host family and culture shock: I thought that what I was feeling was culture shock, so I just went along with it and followed whatever they were telling me.  After comparing to my other friends’ experiences, I realized that they were just un poco loco.  The housing director called them “perfectionistas.”

There were a lot of things that were leading up to the day where things exploded.  They weren’t very warm to me.  I would come home, say hi, and go to my room without them really saying a word to me.  I dreaded them coming into my room, because it was them either telling me that I was doing something wrong or that it was time to eat, which meant that I would have to sit at the dinner table and listen to them talk while I at in silence.  Every once in a while, they would ask me a question, and if I didn’t understand the first or second time, they grew visibly impatient and dropped the question.  I was terrified to speak in Spanish because they would act like they could understand what I was saying unless I said it perfectly, instead of just correcting me.  If I would say something about how we do things in America, they would tell me why Spain was better instead of just accepting my culture and learning from it.  These were a bunch of the little things that happened while I was there, and all of this just seemed to be culture shock to me. That’s when a bunch of things happened—one after the other—that led me to believe that this was something more.

I was in my room taking a nap one day.  I had been out late the night before and was really tired.  My host mom came in my room and woke me up.  She looked at me and questioned to me as why I wasn’t doing my homework.  She told me that if I wanted to continue going to school I had to do my homework (I learned later that in Spain, academics are free, and then if you have good grades, the government gives you money for other expenses, such as food and living).  I told her I didn’t have any homework and she looked bothered by that.  Then, she told me to get out of bed because she had something to show me.  She brought me to the kitchen and showed me the dishes from the morning as well as the toaster still out (my host family gets up early and leaves out some pieces of bread and café con leche for me), and asked me why the kitchen was dirty.  I said that didn’t know.  She told me that in the morning, I was expected to clean all of the breakfast dishes, dry them, put them away, and clean off the counters.  This wouldn’t have bothered me that much had it been what was going on in all of my other friends’ houses: but my experience was different.

Then, after I cleaned the kitchen, it was time for lunch.  When I started to cut my food, they told me that I had bad manners, and I asked why.  They said that I did not cut in the correct manner, and that if I ever wanted to get a job or get married, it was necessary that I learn the right way.   They asked if my boyfriend or my family had ever mentioned anything about it and I said no.  At this point I was smiling and nodding politely.  When I didn’t change, my host mom got out of her chair and took my silverware out of my hands, and then put them back in my hands in the “correct” way.  I was very taken aback, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I tried to eat my food this way.  I couldn’t, and they were staring at me, so I told them I was full and didn’t want to eat anymore.  They gave me an orange and I started to peel it.  They told me to STOP because I was eating with poor manners again.  They made me peel my orange with a knife, and Begoña showed me how to separate all of the pieces and put them neatly on a plate to eat.  I felt like I was Rose from the Titanic at this point.  Now, I might have let all of this slide, but then they dropped the BOMB.  They told me that I had a 10:00 curfew, and that I had to be home by 10:00, Sundays through Wednesdays.

The next day, I went and talked the secretary at my school and explained this to her.  I told her that I wanted to switch.  She told me that she would talk to my host mom and that if things didn’t get better that I could switch.

When I went back that afternoon, Begoña told me that I didn’t have a curfew anymore (later, I realized she might have just said this because she didn’t want me to switch and lose money).  That day, everything was fine.  However, after that, things went downhill again. 

I have to add that I believe that they truly were treating me like one of their children.  They seem to be the controlling type of parents, who really need to control every part of their children’s lives.  When hearing them talk on the phone, I realized that they wont let their vet and doctor kids in training get anything less than A+++, in school, and with life. 

When I would get home from school at night, they would have a bocadillo for me, and tell me that I could take it to my room so that I could do homework while I eat.  I probably said about a paragraph’s worth of words to them the whole time that I was there.  She told me to clean my room—I don’t know if you’ve ever seen my room at school, but my room in my host family’s house was of a perfectionist’s standards.  All but a few papers were out on my desk.  They told me it was very dirty.  CARAMBA

The following are things that happened that made me believe that they were only having me for the money.  In 2 weeks, Begoña had done one load of my whites (she should have done 4 loads by that point).  I got a little bit of makeup on a towel on accident, and she scolded me saying that they were new towels and that I had ruined them.  In addition to that, they had my heater on a timer, and it was on for about 20 minutes a day.  It wasn’t getting hot at all in my room, so I turned up my heater so that it would get hot in the short amount of time.  They taped the control on the heater so that I couldn’t change it.  On a number of occasions, I would eat something cheap for dinner, like a bowl of pasta, and they would make something more expensive, like fish with mixed vegetable.  They would eat with me when they did this.  Also, one day when they were gone, I found DELICIOUS PASTRIES HIDDEN IN THE BACK OF THEIR FRIDGE!  It wasn't that they didn't eat sweets, it was just that they didn't want me to know that they ate sweets.

All of these things led me to want to switch families.  I told the secretary and she found that Conchi, Elise’s old host mom was available.  I talked to Violeta, the housing director, and I was able to move in the next day if I liked her.

The day before I knew I was going to leave my family, we were at lunch.  They told me that it was my responsibility to clean up after lunch.  At this point, I knew that I had made a good choice.  I wonder how far they would have gone with chores?  I don’t know.

Anyway, so the next day, I met Conchi and I LOVED her.  Her apartment is about ¼ of the size of the other one, but it has so much more love and happiness.  We’re always smiling and laughing, and she’s always telling me how happy she is that I’m here.  Violeta told my old host family that I was moving out 1 hour before I did, so I luckily didn’t need to deal with all of that awkwardness.  Violeta told me that Begoña wanted to say goodbye, and I really still don’t understand that, because it felt like they hated me.

When I first got here, Conchi gave me an orange and I peeled it with my hands and ate it off of a paper towel on the couch.  Last night, I scraped off my plate and brought it to the sink to watch: she told me to leave it.  Right now, she asked me if I wanted hot chocolate with madeleines (a pastry).  (funny side story: when I got here, she was showing me around and told me that she keeps the madeleines in the cupboard.  I must have had a horrified look on my face but then I realized what she meant and we both laughed together) I got up to get it myself and she told me to sit, because she was my mother and she was here to take care of me.  This is the way things are supposed to be, and I am very happy.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Confessions Part II

K, there's only one blog titled "confessions" but I wanted to make an Usher Reference.  

1. I'm in LOVE with Spain! I could literally move here one day!

2. I don't feel guilty on spending money on trips, surprisingly.  I'm fully looking forward to my first break! (Vienna, Budapest, and Prague!)  I've heard that these places are absolutely stunning, and I REALLY CAN'T WAIT :)

3. I need to use my camera more, even just walking through the streets and to class.  I feel myself starting to get used to everything, but I never want to take Europe for granted.

4. I just ate a whole bag of chocolate covered corn, apparently a delicious candy in Spain; that, and it was 100% cheaper than a little kit kat bar.  yep, I ate the whole thing. yummmmmmmm

5. I'm packing right now, because I'm moving in with my new host family tomorrow, and I really can't wait.  After I'm all moved in, stay tuned for a piece about my crazy ex-host family.

6. I feel the days flying by, and know that home will come sooner than I think

7. I'm so lucky to have so many of my wonderful friends here, and to make lots of new ones.  But, I miss my friends that aren't here more than anything in the world.  

8. When I'm sitting in class, I daydream.  But not about traveling or about what I'm going to do that night.  I have a recurring daydream that I'm sitting on a big comfy couch and laughing with Adam while we watch a movie.  This is starting to make me realize that, of all the most beautiful places I can be in the world, and all of the adventures that I am going to have, at the end of the day, the only place I want to be is with the people I love.  This leads me to my next confession:

9. I miss hanging out with my family.  I miss cooking for my family.  I miss Sunday morning coffee with my family.  I miss screaming at my family when I'm in a bad mood.  I miss fires and movies and the occasional game.  I miss grandma and her cute forgetfulness.  I miss helping Juliette come up with the perfect word to use in her dissertation.  I miss playing drinking games with the fam, +Adam, Brian, Justin, and CJ.  I miss Christina and how she always just wants to BE with me.  I miss Michael, so much, and this is the furthest and the longest we've ever been apart.  I miss laughing with him and watching movies and cooking for him and being his best friend.  I miss Robert and how kind he is.  I miss how he can always make me laugh, and how he always makes me smile, and just wants to spend time with me.  I miss Thomas and how adorable he is, and how he's truly the light of my life.  I miss taking him on errands with me, and I miss how he loves me so much, no matter what.  I miss my mom and how she always makes me feel special, and how she makes me feel like the favorite child.  I miss her hugs and how we can always laugh together.  I miss my dad and how he always understands me and always does anything in the world to make me happy.  I miss how, even in the darkest of moments, he shows me the light.  I miss everyone so much.  I love them now more than ever.

10.  Spain has been the best decision I've ever made for myself.  It is making me feel like myself again, in ways I couldn't even imagine.  It gives me so much joy, takes away my anxieties, and makes me so grateful that I have such an amazing opportunity to be here.  I am so excited for what this semester has to bring :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Guinness on my white shirt: a going out story

So last night was a GOOD night.

Zach and Esteban were performing at Hannigans 2 last night, so a bunch of us went, obviously.  Andrea and I met beforehand to get some drinks in the plaza.  I got 1.5 litres of Tinto de Verano for 2 euro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUE GUEY!!!!!

For those of you who don't know, tinto de verano is my drink of choice here.  For all of you reading at home, you NEED to try it.  It's just half red wine/half lemonade.  And it is SO good.  It's specifically known to Andalusia, the southern part of Spain where i am!

Anyway, so then we headed over to Hannigan's 2 and heard them play!  Esteban was hilarious, as always, and Zach has the voice of GAVIN DEGRAW.  Like, exactly.  I thought it was actually him.  Anyway, so there was a spot onstage, and I thought it would be an AMAZING idea to be apart of the band (after this Scottish chick drew the flag of Scotland on my cheek).  I'm not going to lie, that was a good time!

Anyway, flashforward and I'm at the bar getting a Guinness (after drinking so many Christmas ales over break, I've acquired a taste for dark beers! Thanks Keen Family :))  There is this IRISH bartender who works at Hannigans 1 and 2, and we swear that he stalks us.  And there's a good reason: because the group of American girls + his Irish accent and suave = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for Hannigans!
Ejemplo/Case Study: I'm not easily wooed, let me get that straight.  But this guy has the nerve to give my my Guinness, say "thanks, love" in that cute Irish accent, and then WINK AT ME.  I was so taken aback that I SPILLED MY GUINNESS ALL OVER MYSELF.  Andrea captured the moment with this lovely picture.

After that, Bruce walked me home and I went to bed, smiling at my wonderful night :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Siesta Epiphany....and fighting off a Mugger

Today, during siesta, I was forced to truly understand the meaning of siesta.  Here’s how it all went down.

Andrea, Cory, Meg and I were supposed to meet during siesta to book our flights for our first break.  Through a series of misunderstandings, I was the only one who had told their host mom that they wouldn’t be there for el almuerzo.  So, after realizing this, I was a bit pissed off that I was missing lunch, and I didn’t want to go home because that would just be awkward.  So, I decided to visit the pasta man.

Pasta man is this guy from Italy who owns a little pastería.  He makes his own pastas and sauces fresh everyday, and I’d been meaning to try it anyway.  I got rotini with arribiata sauce and it was SO GOOD.  I brought my pasta to the “churros con chocolate plaza” (there are names for plazas here, we just come up with our own) and at it on a bench.  It took me all of 15 minutes to finish it.  At this point I became annoyed that I had to kill an hour and a half more. 

I thought to myself, oh I’ll go get some face wash; the pharmacy was closed.  Then I thought, oh, I’ll walk around some stores; they were closed.  Desperately searching for some sort of activity, I finally just started walking around.  The ONLY places that are opened during siesta are the Chino stores (run by the Asians) and cafes/restaurants.  So, since I was thirsty, I grabbed a coke from the chino store and discovered the “legal to drink alcohol here plaza” that I’ve heard so much about.  The fountain was turned off (yes, apparently even fountains take a break during siesta) but I sat in the sort-of-barren plaza anyway. 

I popped open my coke and just kind of….sat there.  I looked around and saw some people eating at a café outside.  A man on a bike rode past me.  A father and his son were feeding some pigeons.  And I was having an epiphany about siesta.

Siestas are basically FORCED relaxation.  At that moment, when I was sitting on a bench, drinking my coke, I had never felt more aware of my own presence.  I know that sound weird, but I always say that life is too short, and I never truly sit and appreciate the fact that I exist on this earth.  I like doing instead of just being.  This moment made me realize that siesta is a time to just RELAX and take a moment out of your day to appreciate your life, to ponder, to think, and to simply enjoy life.  Siestas might be my new favorite part about Spain J

......Later during my siesta...........

I'm typing this on my computer, when this guy comes up to me.  He has a broken arm and he keeps pointing at his arm and talking really quickly in Spanish.  I couldn't understand him, so I kept saying "NO, No gracias, déjame, etc" over and over again.  This guy didn't get the hint.  Then , he started to point at his cast, then at my computer.  That set me OFF.  I jumped up, threw my computer into my backpack and SCREAMED "DÉJAME."  

The guy gave me a terrified look and ran away.
I win.

NOTE: people in Andalusia apparently over-exaggerate everything, hence the title to this blog

Monday, January 24, 2011

Reblog from Danielle

I wanted to reblog this from my friend Danielle, because I don't think that I could've come up with anything better if I tried.  All of this is so true!

"Some random things I’ve learned about Spain and other cultures in general since I’ve been here!

1.       I don’t know if Americans move too fast or Spaniards move too slow, but one of the groups has to figure it out.  America is all about customer service and Spain is all about patience, taking your time, and enjoying the moment. Let me tell you, its hard to adjust when the 2 cashiers are having a random conversation and all you want is your damn café con leche.
2.       Everything stops for siesta.  Literally.  Parents go get their kids out of school and from 2:30-4 all life stops in Granada.  Stores aren’t open, banks close up for the day, etc.  even school closes down for these few hours!  The streets are packed by 2:15 with people bustling home and by 3:00 it looks like a deserted town!
3.       Not all signs or body gestures are universal.  Exhibit A: a slight wave of your hand doesn’t mean “thank you for giving me the right-of-way to cross the street” it can have other inferences like “I’m easy.” Glad I learned that one.
4.       Appliances in Spain are extremely expensive.  This is why most houses don’t have central heating (I’m one of the lucky few that do!) and they just use space heaters.  Same thing with electricity and water… I use natural light pretty much all day and in between soaping up and rinsing off I try to turn off the water as much as possible.
5.       Spaniards have a totally different mindset for drinking.  They never get drunk, in fact if you’re a woman and publicly intoxicated it is seen as extremely poor manners and looked down upon in society.  This is one of the main reasons for tapas here; you are drinking a beverage but also eating food at the same time aka you always have something in your stomach.
6.       I will never take internet for granted again.  EVER.
7.       Overall, they have a very simple way of living.  Granada is actually probably one of the poorer parts of Spain because they don’t have industrial zones, they rely more on agriculture.  At first I thought that this would be difficult, but the truth is they don’t need the money because they can live on very little and make it work.
8.       We’ve all concluded our university (Cegri) is a fake school (jokingly). Miguel Angel (director of the program) is married to his assistant, Nerea. The housing coordinator, Violeta, is married to the director of Cegri, also named Miguel.  Their daughter, Yanira, is one of my professoras.  Small world eh?
9.       I’ve not seen one person wearing sweatpants here.  Actually, most days I feel under-dressed because I’m not in heels like all the other women. Americans need to stop being so lazy!
10.   A little kid speaking Spanish is just so much cuter than a little kid speaking English, I don’t know why."

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mercadillo and Misa

Yesterday, we made the treck to the mercadillo, which is this HUGE market that is approximately a 45 minute walk.  Totally worth it though.  There's is EVERYTHING THERE AND IT IS SOOOO CHEAP!
I got two pairs of shoes, one for 5 euro and the other for 7 euro.  I'm literally never shopping anywhere else.  This market is only on saturdays, so we're definitely going to go back EARLY so that we can spend the time to really search for gems.

Last night, we just kinda went out for tapas.  We found 2 really good places that have HUGE tapas for cheap.  I left to go home early after, and I think everyone else went to Granada 10.  Those tinto de veranos really get to me quickly ;)

Today, I went to mass at the catedral.  When I walked outside to go, it was SNOWING in Granada and it was so cold.  I sucked it up and walked there anyway.  Mass was supposedly beginning at 1:00.  I realized then that I'm turning into my dad.  I was running late, and I couldn't find the entrance for the life of me.  I kept asking merchants, accidentally tried to ask a gypsy, and finally I found it at 1:15.  Freaked out, I walked into the church mortified that I was late.  However, this was when i realized that NOTHING in Spain runs on time.  The 12:00 mass was still going on.  So I waited for a little while, sitting in the pew.  The mass ended and then I just kind of sat there for half an hour.  The 1:00 mass started at 1:45.

Mass is...different in Spain.  It lasted 40 minutes, and was so quick.  It seemed a shame that there was no music in the absolutely GORGEOUS cathedral (I bet the acoustics would be phenomenal).  The homily was 5 minutes long, I almost missed the consecration (I didn't realize it was even happening: no one kneels in church, so I quickly kneeled down for all of 10 seconds before it was over.)  I found the mass to be...almost....sacrilegious.  Idk.  I think I was just expecting to feel comforted by something familiar, but it turned out to be foreign to me.

In Sunday, I'm going church hunting :)

TONIGHT: Bears v Packers game at Hannigans or Paddy's.  That's right: even europeans care!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

a wonderful day to walk

Yesterday was a really great day.  I slept in until noon, so it was already off to a good start.  We don't have classes on fridays, so it's really nice to have a day to just kinda chillll ouuuuttt.  I spent the morning catching up on my American shows (family guy, the middle, grey's anatomy, and 30 rock), and then had some SIESTAAAAAA.

After Siesta, I met up with Danielle, Cory, Audrey, and Andrea and we kind of walked around all of the stores.  January and February are the months of REBAJAS (my favorite word) which means "SALE."  I'm not talking like 20%, 30%, or even 40% off.......everything is literally 50% off or MORE...most places are even 70% off.  I got a shirt for 3.99 euro yesterday.  I call that a win.  We're going back today to confirm our purchases (i need to buy a bag and boots), so i'm excited for that! We literally walked for 5 hours, but the city is so beautiful and it was a nice day out, so we didn't care much.

We got ice cream yesterday. OMG it was so good.  I got dark chocolate gelato.  My family doesnt eat sweets and I've lost 2 pounds in the past week from eating so well and walking so much, so i splurged big time on the fattiest ice cream i could get my hands on.  It was just what i needed :)

Last night, Andrea and I met up with Bruce and Logan and chilled for a little while, then met up with everyone else at Hannigans.  We had a couple of drinks, and I called it an early night.  My night ended perfectly with a skype date with Adam :)  Off to get ready to meet up with everyone!


Friday, January 21, 2011

20 January 2011

Yesterday was a really bipolar day for me.  In a good way!

I woke up with my first feelings of being really homesick.  I woke up and didn't really know where I was, and then I realized that I've only been in Granada for a little over a week.  I called my dad to see how things were going at home, and that made me feel better, but I was still in a bit of a slump.  So, I got up, got on my walking shoes, and went on a long walk through Granada.  It really made me feel a lot better!!!!!!! After that, I came home for siesta and then went to my art history class.

Later that night, we went and saw a flamenco show!!!!! It was really sweet.  I want to be a flamenco dancer now!

I've come the realization that being abroad will be harder for me than expected, but I'm not going to let my homesick feelings bring me down!  This is the only opportunity in my life that I'll be able to do this, and I'm not gonna let it go to waste!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My classes

So this past week was the beginning of school.  I really love all of my classes.  I'm going to drop one of them though.  But no class on fridays! and only one on tues/thurs!!!

SPANISH 208--Oral Spanish

I really like this class. My teacher is Elsa and she is a very comforting person.  She makes me feel confident enough to speak spanish!  Basically, this class is all just about talking and improving speaking, which is what I really need to work on.

SPANISH 252--Linguistics.

This is a class that I've been putting off for awhile.  I'm required to take it for the major.  Now that I'm taking it, I don't know why I haven't wanted to take it!  Linguistics are very interesting to me, and Miguel Angel is a really good teacher! This class is also helping me to acquire a "spanish" way of speaking, something that I also struggle with.

SPANISH 320--Culture of Spain

This class is also amazing.  It's with Elsa (again, I love her) and basically it's just learning about the culture of Spain.  It's interesting and helpful!

SPANISH 318--History of Spanish Art

MY FAVORITE CLASS.  It's with Monica, and it consists of talking about art and going on field trips.  Yesterday, we went to the Capilla Real to see the graves of los Reyes Catolicos.  The capilla is absolutely stunning.  She was telling us that it's difficult to study gothic architecture in Granada because no churches are purely gothic in our city.  However, this capilla had a lot of gothic elements and was really really beautiful.

SPANISH 399--Practical Review of Grammar (dropping)

I'm dropping this class.  It meets at 9 am and I know that'll affect my grades. Plus it's with Julia.  She kinda scares me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A week de interesantes

This week was kind of a blur.  It was a lot of tourist things, a whirl of meeting my family, and the beginning of feelings of culture shock.

Things that have happened to me this week

1. Visited the Alhambra.  It is beyond words.  It's hard when I look back at pictures because none of them capture the beautify.  It's also HUGE

2. Visited the Albaczyn, the old moorish neighborhoods of Granada.  They have an islamic flair to them which I find very authentic (because it is, i guess).  Me gusta mucho.  Except, later in the week Kelly, Audrey, Danielle, Caroline and I were looking for a place to drink and wandered there late at night.  A group of Caucasian "Inglaterras"swarmed us with questions and it wasn't a comfortable situation.  Total fake accentos.  Total fake personas.

3. Saw the most beautiful views of Granada.


4. Got a badass Nokia phone. T9 and all.

5. Got a Spanish fam.  Begoña y Paco.  They're married....Paco cooks all the meals and they're REALLY good!  HOWEVER, there's some problems with communications though.... more on that later

6. Had my first few days of SCHOOL.  I LOVE CEGRÍ.  The professors are SO nice, and I feel so comfortable speaking in class, for once.  I hate that Illinois didn't prepare me at ALL for speaking.  Dammit.

7. Got my first dosage of CULTURE SHOCK.  Nothing big, just noticing extreme differences in our cultures.  I'm not concerned.

Thing's I've learned this week.

1. Spaniards think that Americans are un poco locos.  My family thinks that i'm the strangest person in the world.  They don't like the way that I eat and say that I have to change so that I can get a job and marry one day.  Old world style.  Also, when i asked if i had enought time to take a shower before dinner, my señora gave me the weirdest look and answered "CLARO!"

2. I'm easy to live with, but sometimes that's not enough when you're in a diferent culture.  They told me i have bad manners......I don't know why.....

3. I have a 10:00 curfew in my house.......gotta figure that out soon EEK.  I honestly may have to change families.  They aren't very flexible here and are acting as my parents.  They correct my customs, not my spanish, which has been a problem.  Estoy triste :(

4. I have the best friends in the world.  And wonderful new friends :) SHOUT OUT

5.  There's no place like home.  I LOVE SPAIN, but I miss my family, Champaign, Chi O, and Adam, more than anything.  I know now more than ever how good my life is :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


So I wrote something on the plane that I will post later, but for now I'll go over what I've been up to for the past couple days!!!

The plane rides were HORRIBLY LONG.  I was so anxious that I couldn't sleep at, I was up for about 36 hours straight.  When we got to Granada, I was soooooo tired and crabby and all I wanted to do was to go home (to america).  We went out to dinner after LUGGING our luggage (so heavy, my back will be in pain for weeks, i'm sure) and it was delicious.  The Spanish eat very light dinners, so we got tinto verano (wine and lemonade) and tapas plus pan (BREAD)!  It was just what we needed.  I went to bed immediately when we got back to the hostel and slept straight through the night.

I felt like a million bucks this morning.  We got desayuno (breakfast) which consisted of cafe con leche (expresso with milk) and a pastry.  Then, we had our cultural & academic orientations.  We learned about culture shock, and I wondered if I would go through all of the symptoms.  I guess I'll cross that bridge when, or if, I get to it.  However, it did slightly concern me.  I've heard that they're just warning about it, though it may never happen.

Since we wanted to get on Granada time, we ate almuerzo (lunch) at the normal spanish time--3:00.  It was a big lunch of a kind of gaspacho, roast beef, fruit, y rioja (local red wine).  It was amazingly delicious.  I love that in Spain you don't have to tip the waiters.  Apparently, they are paid full wage, benefits, insurance, etc, so it is seen as an actual career here!  I love it.  Also, I love how long and enjoyable the meals are.  Spaniards are much more relaxed and not at all in a hurry--and I am a fan!

We walked around for a while and then went on a "survival tour" just to see how to a get around a little bit.  I couldn't believe how BEAUTIFUL everything is.  Miguel Angel (our resident director) was telling us that it is ILLEGAL to tear down the facades of buildings in Granada.  The owner of the buildings are obligated to preserve them, and the local government even helps them out financially!  I thought that that was really amazing, and it really shows in the beauty of the architecture.  Also, the scenery in Granada is beautiful.  There are mountains and hills in the background, and it is truly an amazing sight.

I'll post pictures later! I really love Spain so far, and am SOOO thankful that I jumped on this wonderful opportunity.  I'll also go into more detail when I get better internet!
Hasta luego mi amores!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

From the plane

I'm writing this on the plane now to post later.  On this flight I've had a lot of reflection time.

First of all, leaving my mom and Adam was a lot harder than I thought it would be.  After I left them, I was sobbing uncontrollably and shaking.  I knew that I would be upset and horribly sad, but I wasn't expecting to be so shaky.

Luckily, I have my friends with me to hold me and tell me that everything will be okay.  I feel so lucky for that, and would have literally not gone abroad without them.

I'm still in a bit of shock.  I'm really excited, don't get me wrong, but I have a feeling that studying abroad will not only be a wonderful experience because it will teach me about another culture, but will also make me appreciate everything in my life a lot more.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder, eh?

I'm really not trying to be all angsty-xanga like or anything, or make anyone think that I'm not grateful and SO excited for this opportunity; this i just how I'm initially feeling.  It's no lie that it is very difficult to leave everything behind.

I'm having insomnia right now from the mix of initial shock and complete excitement.  I'm so excited to get to Granada :)

TO everyone reading from home, I love you and will miss you terribly!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Leaving for Spain

So, tomorrow will be the day when I leave my comfortable American life, and begin my journey to Granada, Spain.  I'm starting to get really excited about it.

The past week has been a journey of ups and downs, getting nervous, wondering if I'll get cold feet, wondering if I'll have the guts to even get on the plane;  however, as the time gets nearer and nearer, I can hardly wait!

Of course, it won't be easy for me to leave my family and friends, and to leave all of the love that they give me.  The decision to study abroad wasn't an easy one for me, and it took a while for me to realize that it is exactly what I've always wanted to do.

Although I know it will be hard for me to leave my home, my friends, Champaign, and Chi O, I know that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and that I will be making memories that I will treasure for the rest of my life.  

I should get back to packing!